Literacy Tips

My Very Own ABCs
Make an alphabet book. Decorate it with markers, glitter, fancy paper, feathers and sequins, stencils, and stamps — whatever makes playing with letters fun.

Tell a story about your childhood.
Children love hearing about experiences their parents had at a similar age.

Scribble, Scribble
Help children use pencils, crayons, markers, and chalk. Help them make scribbles like the strokes used later to form letters: straight lines, curves, and circles.


Make Music
Children develop motor skills as they clap, jump, twirl, and spin to music. Make simple musical instruments and play them as you sing.

Use simple props
such as a puppet or a stuffed animal to tell a story. Use silly voices for different characters and ask your child to join in.

Sing with your children
any chance you have. You don’t need a perfect voice, just some enthusiasm. Play music written especially for children.

Play Together
Encourage children to cut paper with child-friendly scissors, place beads on a string, play with blocks, and do simple jigsaw puzzles. These activities develop the fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination that they need for writing.